Red Bird Web Design

Elevate Your Online Presence With Personalized Web Design Services


Red Bird Web Design is a local Atlanta-based agency that helps small to medium sized businesses with their website needs.

Your online presence is a critical part of your business whether you’re just starting out or have been around for a long time.

We will work with you to give your potential and existing customers the best impression when they visit your website and help you get found online.

Our approach is to focus on the business outcomes you’re looking for and leverage your unique brand and voice to create a world-class website you can be proud of.

Web Design Services

New Websites

Website Redesign


Speedometer at top speed illustrating high page speed optimization

Optimized Page Speeds

Your website’s page speed is an important piece of search engine optimization and user experience. A faster page speed helps you outrank the competition and catch your clients’ attention quickly.

A laptop, tablet, and smartphone displaying Red Bird Web Design logo in different sizes and aspect ratios. Representation of responsive web design.

Responsive Design

Responsive design ensures your website looks great on all devices. Your visitors may view your website on their laptops, tablets, and phones. All of these have different sizes and shapes so we make sure you look good on all of them.

Image of button with text saying "book a meeting" and a mouse cursor hovering over it

Ease of Use

Make doing business with your company easy for your customers with professional design that represents your customers’ future experiences with you. We help you build an easy to use, well designed, and functional website that represents your company and online presence.

Branding and Design

Your company’s brand is one of your most valuable assets. It helps customers notice, engage, and remember you. We work with you to make sure your brand voice is heard and is consistent across all channels. Giving you the ultimate personal touch and customization.

Speedometer at top speed illustrating high page speed optimization

Optimized Page Speeds

Your website's page speed is an important piece of search engine optimization and user experience. A faster page speed helps you outrank the competition and catch your clients' attention quickly.

Branding and Design

Your company's brand is one of your most valuable assets. It helps customers notice, engage, and remember you. We work with you to make sure your brand voice is heard and is consistent across all channels. Giving you the ultimate personal touch and customization.
A laptop, tablet, and smartphone displaying Red Bird Web Design logo in different sizes and aspect ratios. Representation of responsive web design.

Responsive Design

Responsive design ensures your website looks great on all devices. Your visitors may view your website on their laptops, tablets, and phones. All of these have different sizes and shapes so we make sure you look good on all of them.
Image of button with text saying "book a meeting" and a mouse cursor hovering over it

Ease of Use

Make doing business with your company easy for your customers with professional design that represents your customers' future experiences with you. We help you build an easy to use, well designed, and functional website that represents your company and online presence.